Shining light on the darkness: Writer Amos Kamil
There is a stunning front-page feature article in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine chronicling incredibly sad and gut-wrenching abuse at Horace Mann School, an elite private school in the Bronx area of New York City.
The author of the piece is writer Amos Kamil, who attended the school in the late 1970s to early 1980s. In his 9,100-word piece, Kamil recounts the abuse of a number of Horace Mann students by staffers there from the '70s to the early '90s. It is a very compelling read.
Kudos to the Times and Mr. Kamil. For years, the Times has frequently given the impression that sex abuse has been a problem only confined to the Catholic Church. Kamil's feature blows the lid off that idea.
Let's hope that the Times takes the next very important step. As we recently relayed, it has recently been reported that just in the first three months alone of 2012 in New York City public schools, there were "248 complaints of sexual misconduct involving school employees."
The time has come for the Times to move forward and dig deeper on this important issue: the rampant abuse and cover-ups happening today in our nation's public schools.
The newspaper I work for buried this story on the back page. But I am happy to see they are finally caring about other abuse victims. I want ALL children to be safe. Not just ones hurt in institutions that can be sued into oblivion. Are you listening SNAP?
Don't wonder how Catholic bishops could be so oblvious of the crimes being done against innocent Catholic children. You see HERE the lengths to which conservatives Roman Catholics and their FOX friend types will go to protect their own, by suggesting "they all do it"! See http://JesusWouldBeFurious.Org/clericalpedophilia.html
Jesus is furious. http://www.themediareport,com
I don't think I would put this onto conservative Catholics. Many liberal Catholic bishops mishandled abuse, some notoriously so. And it was the liberal seminaries that loosened their entrance qualifications, accepting gay and liberal priests and turning down conservative, orthodox applicants. And we are paying the buggery bill. Yes, clerics are human. Yes, they thought these men could be cured. They were wrong. Again, we are paying the buggery bill. And some young people were irreparably harmed. Of course, this occurs in OTHER churches also, and I am concerned about those young victims also. Unfortunately, SNAP and the New York Times are not. SNAP is looking for the money and liberal media is looking to punish the church for its social doctrines. Again, it is victims who are getting the short shrift, especially ones NOT Catholic.