Finally getting his long overdue apology: Rev. Xiu Hui 'Joseph' Jiang
The lawyer-funded hate group SNAP has issued a formal apology to St. Louis priest Rev. Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang, whom it had falsely accused of abusing children and maliciously branded a "pedophile."
The apology was released this afternoon by the Archdiocese of St. Louis but first reported by Robert Patrick at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Jeannette Cooperman at St. Louis Magazine.
SNAP's apology reads as follows (emphasis added):
"The SNAP defendants never want to see anyone falsely accused of a crime. Admittedly, false reports of clergy sexual abuse do occur. The SNAP defendants have no personal knowledge as to the complaints against Fr. Joseph Jiang and acknowledge that all matters and claims against Fr. Jiang have either been dismissed or adjudicated in favor of Fr. Jiang. SNAP acknowledges that false claims of clergy sexual abuse injure those clerics falsely accused and the Roman Catholic Church. SNAP apologizes for any false or inaccurate statements related to the complaints against Fr. Joseph Jiang that it or its representatives made which in any way disparaged Fr. Joseph Jiang, Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, Monsignor Joseph D. Pins and the Archdiocese of St. Louis."
As regular readers of this site already know, SNAP's apology caps a long, five-year battle by Fr. Jiang to clear his name and restore his trashed reputation. Along the way:
- Law enforcement dropped all criminal charges against the innocent Fr. Jiang;
- Fr. Jiang discovered his accuser already had a long and sordid legal past;
- A federal judge ruled that SNAP indeed defamed Fr. Jiang and ordered that SNAP reimburse his legal fees, totaling $25,100;
- Another judge ordered one of Jiang's bogus accusers to pay the legal expenses of both Jiang and the Archdiocese of St. Louis, totaling $48,516.84; and
- A jury took mere minutes to swiftly exonerate Fr. Jiang in a two-week civil lawsuit.
Bravo to Fr. Jiang for fighting the good fight for truth and justice.
On then to ‘Dan’s of the 22nd at 222AM:
Here, confronted with the fact that he only put up in comments his donuts-bit, he now dismisses any expectation that he would “give you all the details of why I left churches” … because, apparently, he doesn’t want his ‘reasons’ to be looked at by anyone not wearing the oh-so-speshull ‘Dan’-verse glasses.
‘Dan’ has basically set himself up as a church-of-one. Which might well be seen as nothing more than his personal theological and religious sandbox. Well, it gives him something to do. And provides some vivid examples to believers of just how things can go very very wrong very quickly when one travels that path.
As if sin weren’t enough of a problem for believers and humans, whackery now demonstrates its own chops.
And now adding his usual immaturity to his mocking. You think you're so speshull that you'll get away with your mockery. Your Judgment Day is coming fast, lying whackjob. servant of the Lord
And you should know "just how things could go very very wrong very quickly when one travels that path", seeing all the greedy, idolators, pedophiles, sexual perverts and compulsive liars you seem to travel with, defend and make excuses for.
On then to JR’s of the 22nd at 553PM:
Indulging himself yet again in an extended and scatological riff, JR eventually gets to the point that JR doth “have the money”. Nobody has ever denied that he didn’t manage to “get the money”.
But that possession of the cash automatically and definitively indicates that he was “the victim” … that’s not so evident at all.
But JR knows that. Which is why he instantly adds that “that’s all one need know in my case”. (Reminding me, marvelously, of the old Nazi newsreel conclusion for any of this or that ‘success’ of the Fuhrer in the ‘30s: Mehr als dieses braucht ihr nicht zu wissen! (tr: “More than this you don’t need to know!”). Ovvvvvvvv coursssssssse.
Then the Goody-Two-Shoes wig as he bleats “why isn’t the church suing me for fraud?”. Perhaps some day, when the Stampede dies away, that may yet happen. But it took – as JR himself has complained here – a lot of extra work on the part of his attorney to get his stuff tacked onto the massive LA lawsuit.
Continuing with my comment on JR’s of the 22nd at 553PM:
The “facts” of JR’s case are now well known – in all their slippery multiplicity – to regular readers of this site. That slippery multiplicity was part of the reason that it took so much extra time – and, as JR has bleated here, extra attorney costs and fees – to get his bid into the big LA lawsuit.
“Will he stop?”, it can be asked. “Never. He hasn’t the skill to do anything else but lie”, it can be answered.
And since he’s on a roll that seems to him capable of looking pretty good, JR will then riff on further along those lines. And – as FDR brought in “my little dog Falla” when the press began asking questions that were a little too hot for him – JR will here drag in his parents.
JR didn’t ask me to be here? Nobody asked him to be here either. But he’s come and put up his stuff and it’s in the record here for anyone who wants to peruse it.
As to who is “feigning” what here … readers are welcome to consider and come to their own conclusions.
You deserve to die for lying. Happy Soltice!
Since I'm the only victim present re. being a sex abuse victim by Catholic clerics and given the subject, I have more of a right to be here than sniping little trolls like you do. you jumped up liar.
Comparing me to Nazis. Wow! The Nazi calling the truth telling victim a Nazi.
My case is SETTLED. A done deal. No fantasy necessary. No rehash necessary my story doesn't and hasn't changed because it happened. just as I have said it did. You need to pretend perhaps it didn't happen my way. Why? Well only to back your lies. Everything you've projected on to me you have really done. Here. The only Nazi here is you Adolph.