Fighting back against a money grab: Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, Bishop Robert Guglielmone
If one needs any more proof that suing the Catholic Church is now seen by many people as an easy, no-risk way to snag a nice bundle of cash, look no further than this latest fraud out of South Carolina.
A man now accusing Diocese of Charleston Bishop Robert Guglielmone of abusing him decades ago in the late 1970s has openly admitted to a family member that he made the whole thing up in order to extract money from the Church, with the man blithely adding, "It's worth a try."
"Provably false"
Guglielmone never had any other accusations against him in over four decades in ministry until a man filed a lawsuit this past week claiming that the cleric molested him "between 20 and 30 times from 1978 to 1979." The bishop has already passed a lie detector test and is fully cooperating with law enforcement. And Guglielmone's lawyers have released a statement:
"These allegations are false, provably false. As the plaintiff admitted to a family member, he made this up in order to get money from the Church ('It's worth a try,' the plaintiff said) … We will not allow these false allegations to tarnish the outstanding and selfless work he has done throughout his life. We will see the plaintiff in Court and the Bishop will be cleared."
Indeed, as we have long reported, the fraud being perpetrated today against the Catholic Church is off the charts. The public no longer views the Roman collar for its spiritual significance but as a breezy route to score some big buck$.
"It's worth a try." Really?
Let's wake up, everyone.
Its symptomatic that this cash driven money worshipping, Bolshevist society makes it so. Priests have to deal with scandal mongers, as well as their giving vocation to the Trinity.I was reading a book about the 100th anniversary of catholic charities of Chicago. It saddened me, to have thoughts, that many of the activities of charity ,such as during the 1918 flu epidemic, might be called into question today, again, the commissars are hard at work, to destroy , just as they destroyed Christ the Savior Cathedral. ( its been rebuilt) . the westboro style attacks seem relentless , but won't last!
Is this surprising? The Church always has money to rebuild their ridiculous Cathedrals and manmade temples. When it's time to compensate its many victims, they're all of a sudden bankrupt or the vatican washes their hands of the responsibility. Really an honest and truthful religion. NOT!
Dan corner – sorry there dano, but the churches and cathedrals destroyed in the former soviet union, were restored by the government of the Russian federation! So the state footed the bill! They even rebuilt a catholic church, recently, and gave it back as a gift! It was near Sevastopol or Odessa, I think. Could be wrong. Hey! Maybe the state in western governments can give back money to the church, as they helped to destroy by not acting on the side of truth!! Watcha think?
"The Church always has money to rebuild their ridiculous Cathedrals and manmade temples" = that's what insurance money is for. As for the "ridiculous" part, well, I guess de gustibus non disputandum est.
"hey're all of a sudden bankrupt" = factually incorrect. Many Dioceses have declared bankruptcy after paying the first settlements. The bankrupt is a legal process that allows time to organize assets and negotiate with victims. Protestant and Evangelical churches, like yours, do not have usually such organization, and often fold and disappear, leaving their victims behind. As a side note, let's see how much will the Chicago Public Schools District pay for the abuses performed by their union teachers.
LLC – nothing seems to be brewing AT ALL with the C.P.S.! There doesn't seem to be any recent reportable activity. Perhaps the powers-that-be are doing the suppression game. If it was a Catholic situation, you could be sure there are certain newspapers, especially the one in Boston, that would be all over it, looking for more "Oscars"!
Clown, so what you're telling us is the Church has Russia in their back pocket or is in cahoots with Putin. Not surprising for you two-faced bastards to be callin' everyone else commies, while it's you and yours that are in bed with them, or should I say in bed with their little boys.
And LLC, follows it up with more lame excuses. You haven't figured it out yet? I'm not Protestant or Evangelical, let alone Westboro as the Clown claims. NO sexually immoral child abusers allowed in my church, so there would be NO victims. Read my lips, doofus.
Dan corner – well, Dan, Our Lady of Fatima told us to pray for the conversion of Russia!! And look what's happened! They openly teach religion in public schools, not like our gulag schools teaching transgenderism, so, yes, most Russians agree with their church, and political leader Putin, who forces the rich oligarchs to pay for church construction.
You should learn lessons from them, instead of being a backward, acidic, negative westboroite!! Write something positive instead! You'll feel better. I'm praying for you.
Pax brother dan
You catholics are so gullible and so easily brainwashable. Did your prayers to your Queen of Heaven help Mary to bring the teachings of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or secular ethics courses to the Russian public schools? So you're telling me that praying to your goddess helps naive gullible young children learn about other pagan idol-worshiping religions and secular ethics courses lacking in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Applause to all you goddess worshiping catholics for your wonderful work of drawing all the citizens of the world away from the beautiful works of Christ and possibly towards the idolatry of catholicism. Well done!
When you display some intelligence worth my responding in a positive fashion, then maybe I will respond in such. So far I haven't seen much good come from your heathen religion or it's leaders or followers. Writing this did make me "feel better". Thanks for the advice and please don't pray to your goddess for me. Do me that favor and maybe I can pray to Christ for you.
Dan – I'm glad you "feel better", as you know how you can get! You are more than welcome for the advice, and I will pray to Jesus for you! Well, I'll also include a st Michael prayer too.
Gee, Dan, look at the track record, though. 3 Portuguese children are told by our lady of Fatima, to pray for the conversion of russia, in 1917, the year of the communist revolution. All the obscenities happened up till 1991, with quite a bit of pedophilia! And then it dissolved!! Nothing the u.s. forced, it just happened! By who? Here's more advice, since you like it, I'd be shaking in my shoes, at such power from Mary!
When you were talking about Islam,Hindu, Jewish etc., I thought you meant, at first, the u.s, but you know, there is only a religious school vacuum in america so thank God for Catholic, and other christian schools. With your new happy attitude I thought you were going to tell me to be a Hindu, not a hindont.
Pax brother Dan!
True Christians have no fear of your idols, their statues or their images. Those who fear the Lord their God fear nothing else and no one else, let alone statues or visions of your dead goddesses and saints.
"Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear HIM, on those who hope in HIS mercy; to deliver their soul from death, and keep them alive in famine." Psalms 33:18-19
One, you have one.
You rape tens of thousands then imply that a majority of those are false accusations.
Have you no shame?
What you're doing with your implications is as bad as our abuse in a way. it's a re-enforcement of our rapes. You rape us and then because you've one admitted liar, you injure us again by assuming we are all lying.
Couldn't you have told this story without smearing all our names? But then we know that's your real purpose here at TMR.
If you are pretending that the church is too perfect to have done these wrongs to us. You are deeply wrong. You have covered yourselves with shame by pretending that your church and a small percentage of your priests have'nt done horrific things to your own children. And you, only, make your church seem the fool by your denials.
You have no facts to support the "rape of tens of thousands". For one thing, homosexuality had not mushroomed until the more recent years and most abuse cases are from sodomites. And there are plenty of false accusations where nothing can be proved. But to destroy an innocent priest is damnable and I write that as being literal. Calumny is serious mortal sin.
Magdalene p-
"Calumny is a serious mortal sin" = how very true! But we all know that the liars and fakers maybe on the "highway to hell".
The other terrible aspect, is that they destroy a good priests vocation
Both you and Magdalene are condemning your own hierarchy, because they are the most damnable sinners, deceivable liars and outright fakers, with all of the secret shuffling of your child molesting clergy to locations where their disgusting crimes were unknown.
One has to love how you so easily attack and condemn others, while defending and minimizing the wicked hypocrites of your Church. Do you even care about the many tens of thousands of catholic lives and souls the Church has destroyed? Apparently not much!
Tens of thousands? It seems you are exaggerating. I'm a law enforcement officer with Priest friends. We often joke about the exaggerated accusations against both of our professions. I've worked in child abuse prevention and he's reported two Priests and a Bishop for misconduct. Neither of us has any sexual attraction to children and neither of us want to go out and shoot people with guns. Your exaggeration is a lot like the old Polish jokes or Jewish Jokes which some people thought were funny unless you were Polish or Jewish.
"Me thinks she potesteth too much", as the old phrase goes. When was the last time YOU looked at a child with sexual desire?
I'm so glad you think this is some big joke. After some of the lying and threatening catholic cops I've run into, I wouldn't trust a word that comes from the mouth of a cop, let alone a catholic cop. Have you not heard of the secret settlements, hush money or District Attorneys and police that have looked the other way when Church pedophiles and pederasts were caught red-handed or admitted to their guilt. There has been so many secret payoffs and settlements that we will never know the great extent of this coverup. All for the good of your Holier Than Thou False Faith of deceivers and hypocrites. servant of the Lord of Truth
"When was the last time YOU looked at a child with sexual desire?" Welcome to joining all the rest of the lying, denying and falsely accusing catholics in this forum.
Dan – you should welcome him as another individual who can read you you're Miranda!
Pax brother Dan!
Yeah! And this clown may actually be qualified. Why not both of you move to Rome so you can dress like real clowns, the ones that protect the pope. The fancy costumes and dresses of your clergy and bishops and the cheesy gowns of his so-called Swiss Guards crack me up. Anyone knowing Biblical truth or the dress of Christ and His disciples would know that these are not people living or in any way following Christ's teachings. Nothing but a bunch of Pharisees dressed like clowns, enough to make Barnum and Bailey jealous.
I know. Some catholic, like LLC, is going to stupidly ask me if I dress like Christ. Not exactly, but I sure don't dress like a clown or a woman. Your clergy is an embarassment to manhood and my guess is that may be why they prefer to molest little boys.
since in your asinine post you are addressing me directly, let's clarify few things.
First of all, you do not dress like Christ, nor externally, and most importantly, nor spiritually (Colossians 3:12). Indeed, your clothes "have become moth-eaten".
Now, for the Päpstliche Schweizergarde = you'll never amount to anything even remotely close to these men. As colorful as their historic garment may look (especially to the ignorants like you), they have performed acts of heroism since their foundation.
As for not dressing like a woman = It would be interesting to seeing you making such moronic comment to a Scot sporting a kilt, or to a Hindu wearing a dhoti. Embarrassing, for sure.
Jim – please don't take the cake comments personally. I'm always praying that you and Dan come back to the church. It can happen, you know.
Pax brother Jim!
"since in your assinine post you are addressing me directly, let's clarify a few things."
First of all, you dare question my spirituality, when you belong to a church of greedy, goddess worshiping idolaters, liars and sexually immoral creeps? Really? And you think you can self-righteously judge me with your "moth-eaten" theology?
Second, what acts of heroism did your Great Saint JP II perform besides harboring and protecting pedophiles along with his cardinal RAT-zinger. Survives a gunshot, but gives glory and worship to his Queen of Heaven, instead of the Creator who saved his sorry ass.
And lastly, I don't see Scots wearing lacy undergarments and don't care to comment on the dress of other idolatrous religions. I think it's more "embarrassing" for them to look foolish than it would ever embarrass me. You must think Bruce Jenner and other cross-dressers are attractive too. Whatever floats your boat, brother.
There. Happy now? I commented on all of your nonsense and ignorance.
Correct; your post is really "assinine".
Incidentally, I do not question your spirituality. Paul and James do, and with plenty of reasons.
I was not taking about Saint John Paul II. Compared to him, you are but a gnat. I was talking about the heroic history of the Swiss Guard. Please stay on topic.
Interesting how you once complained about an alleged attempt to connect you and Jim, while indeed you show an interesting knowledge of alternative lifestyle. As they say, the clucking chicken lays the egg.
I am always happy. Nothing you say or do can change that.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan
Hey Assinine, I mean LLC, ever heard of the story of David and Goliath? I just may be the "gnat" that God has sent to slay the memory of all your pedophile excusing popes, along with the Goliath called catholicism.
What "heroic history" are you referring to, Alois Estermann, commander of the Swiss Guard, murdered by his homosexual lover on the same day he was confirmed, another Swiss Guard, who was pissed off when he found out that Alois had betrayed him with another guard. Oh your Church is a regular Peyton Place. Do you consider all the pedophiles, pederasts and homosexual perverts of the Church as heroic?
Have a blessed day, unbrother LLC
I am very familiar with the story of David and Goliath, so much so that I am sure you are nowhere in it. David did not self-appoint himself; he was hand-picked by Samuel. On the other hand, Goliath was the one sure of his own fortitude, same as your empty titles.
You are instead mentioned, almost by name, as the self-appointed holier-than-thou pharisee in Luke 18:9-14.
As for gnats, Isaiah has already foretold your destiny in 51:6.
As for Commander Estermann, I forgot you get your history from books a-la Dan Brown. At least, please check your sources before making a fool of yourself. But, alas, nomen omen.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan.
If I was only self-appointed like you wish, I wouldn't waste my time dealing with jackasses like yourself. Dan Brown's fantasies come closer to the truth than your catholic theology. Both are myths not worth anyones time to waste reading or believing them.
I've noticed when you think you're clever, you curse me with your ignorant hypocritical blessing. Thanks but I don't need blessings or prayers from accusing heathens.
P.S. Check out the next verse, Isaiah 51:7, and know that I have no fear of your scorn or insults. My God will decide who are the flies that He will crush, and you surely won't be the one to decide that.
“If I was only self-appointed like you wish, I wouldn't waste my time dealing with jackasses like yourself” = non sequitur. This is not an elementary school essay, where you get points for simply filling up pages. Please write only when you have something intelligent and pertinent to say.
“I've noticed when you think you're clever, you curse me with your ignorant hypocritical blessing’ = again, factually wrong. My blessings are sincere.
“…but I don't need blessings or prayers…” = judging from your attitude, one can see that the contrary is actually true.
Interestingly, in Isaiah 51:7, God is speaking about His nation, Israel. The same nation you are calling nonbelieving.
Now, since your claims about the Swiss Guard have been debunked, and you have provided no pertinent response, sayonara, baka.
Tired of answering to your ignorance, but let me say that when you say all kinds of nasty things to me and then offer your sorry blessing, that's hypocrisy. Lie and claim sincerity. Sorry, but I'm not buying it. Don't take my statement out of context. "I don't need blessings or prayers from accusing heathens." Catholic prayers or blessings, especially those to Mary, are absolutely worthless and cause more harm than good. Thanks, but save those prayers for yourself.
There are those out there ( Dan corner aka" westboro Dan") who probably think that these types of actions are o.k. due to the "sins of the Church" , so things are overlooked, and are expected actions nowdays. We must have push back against this satanic agenda!
I'm never in favor of anyone being falsely accused. Truth can never be accomplished through lies or liars. Once again, I'm in total agreement with you, Clown. "We must have push back against this satanic agenda!" and the systemic child molesting perversions of the Church. When is all the talk going to lead to constructive action? We won't hold our breath!
Dan corner – well I'm half in total agreement with you Dan. "We must have push back against this satanic agenda!" = couldn't agree with you more!!!!! Systemic abuse? Well, you're barking up the wrong tree there Dan! So, no agreement there. Much has been done already!
Pax brother Dan!!
you are always very vocal in demanding harsh punishment for convicted sex offenders (including torture). What would be, in your opinion, the adequate legal penalty for those who falsey accuse priests and others of sexual abuses, such as in this specific case?
LLC – westboro Dan's reply should be interesting! He wants to happily pull out my fingernails, just for opposing him!
I don't want to see anyone tortured, but they would be deserving of such. I let my God get his just revenge against sexually immoral perverts. I am serious though about them being imprisoned for a lifetime, so they can never harm another child. Problem is that the many child abusers of your Church never saw jail time at all or if they did it wasn't long enough.
I was definitely jesting with the Clown about rippin' out his fingernails, because of his miranda and jail threats. I've had enough problems with the clergy liars of your Church, corrupt catholic cops and cowardly thugs threatening and lying about me and paying the price. I don't need any more threats from your cult of false accusers.
There should be punishment for those who 'falsey' accuse anyone, but I'm not the one to decide what their punishment should be. I'm not their judge. You seem to be very good at judging others and not so good at judging your own creeps. servant of the Lord
Interesting way of jesting.
Also interesting how you are quick to propose a punishment for a crime but not for the other.
Please answer the simple question. What should be the legal punishment in case of a false accusation?
Dan – I still have them. Safe and sound!
Dan – I probably shouldn't ask but what is a "falsey " accusation?
I ask you, LLC, What should be the legal punishment for the lying catholic priests, corrupt catholic cops and catholic thugs who beat and lied about me? I spent 7 days in jail, 20 and 10 days doing community service instead of more jail time, all based on their false accusations and lies. I did not sue or press charges against them. So you tell me how they should be punished and I'll agree that this false accuser deserves the same. Otherwise I'll let God get his revenge against the creeps who attacked me. Maybe you crybabys should do the same. servant of a Just God
You'll have to ask LLC. That his excellent spelling and grammar, which gives him every right to criticize others. I know it's a typo, LLC, but I remember you telling me or Jim how we should proof read our material. Once again, practice what you preach. Oh! I forgot you're a catholic! My bad.
You get to ask your question after you have answered mine. This is how a civilized, intelligent conversation works.
As for your anecdotical experience, it has no place in this conversation, since there is no proof of it. If indeed you were falsely accused, you should’ve exercised your legal rights and ask for reparation. Jesus’ mandate to turn the other cheek is an important one but it is not universal. Especially if causes you to harbor hatred and resentment.
If, indeed, they lied. If they didn’t, you got what you deserved. But this is not the topic of this post. Again: What should be the legal punishment in case of a false accusation?
“Falsey” is short for “Falsely”. I’ll make sure not to use unusual vocabulary in the future, as it seems to confuse Dan…
When I have a conversation with an intelligent or civilized person, I will answer in like manner. I told you that I'm am not a judge, so I wouldn't be able to decide what a just punishment would be. I think it's horrible to falsely accuse someone of anything, let alone a charge of child molestation. I also think that karma's a bitch, especially from the hand of God, and I believe if there is truth to these false accusations, maybe the Church is only on the receiving end of the evil and lies they've been dishing out.
And I love your use of "anecdotical experience". I know you're used to being around lying catholics, being that you're one yourself, but not everyone is like you. I'm not liar and I try hard to make sure I tell the truth, and every catholic lie that convicted me was the truth. I don't need your, "If, indeed, they lied." Priests lied, corrupt catholic cops believed their lies and added to them and I was truly beaten by catholic thugs. I suffered, but I'll let my God get His revenge, but don't complain when the karma comes back on your disgusting hierarchy for the wicked things they have done and are finally being exposed for the downright creeps that they are.
P.S. It was PC that was asking for an explanation for your "unusual vocabulary" not me. PC, you know by now that LLC needs to display his great? intelligence by using forms of words we may not be used to hearing. This way he can believe he is a legend in his own mind.
“I told you that I'm am not a judge, so I wouldn't be able to decide what a just punishment would be” = factually incorrect. In your first response, you were quick to suggest life imprisonment for sexual abuses, while claiming to be unable to judge the appropriate penalty for false accusations. Hence, you are either hypocritical or a liar. So much for having an intelligent conversation.
Interesting comments about karma, especially from someone who allegedly finds the idea abhorrent.
Regarding your anecdotical experience and your “I'm not liar and I try hard to make sure I tell the truth”, your own words tell a different story. The readers will decide accordingly.
Finally, my last paragraph was labeled to PC. Your explanation was unnecessary, puerile and utterly indicative.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan.
You are a flaming idiot. I can judge your Church pedophiles and pederasts, especially repeat offenders, and state as I have that they have to be permanantly incarcerated so they can't harm another child. I would judge the same for any pedophiles or pederasts. Keep them away from children. This does not make me a hypocrite or a liar. As far as the proper judgment for a false accuser, well I would not feel qualified to make that call. Don't act so ignorant and stupid, altough I think you can't help it. servant of the Truth, not a catholic liar
"As far as the proper judgment for a false accuser, well I would not feel qualified to make that call" = you are more than qualified, since you are one of them. Who better than a false accuser can judge another one?
As for sexual offenders, you show your duplicity by singling out only the few ones in the Church, while routinely ignoring these same acts happening everywhere, including your own church.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan.
I have no problem with karma that comes from the hand of God. I don't necessarily believe in the Hindu or Buddhist definition of the word, but believe God has a way of punishing us for the lives we live. We either pay the price now or for all eternity. I think your clergy and bishops have quite a future to look forward to, seeing that many never suffered the punishment they deserved here on earth.
I believe in the "rod and staff that comforts me" and also that Christ died for us and took on some of the punishment we deserved. Harming the lives of innocent children falls into a category that God will have to decide their due. I can make a simple judgment call that men who have committed such crimes should be kept away from children. Too bad your Church couldn't come to such a simple obvious conclusion. Sorry that your leaders know little or next to nothing when it comes to Scripture or how to handle evilness. Blind leading the blind.
P.S.That would include your Great JPII and card Ratzinger and how they handled the crisis that has now snowballed into a destructive avalanche on the .Church. gnat of the Lord
Thomas Woods,You don't think the church has tens of thousands of victims world wide? You're stupid and in denial.
Satan? "Those who believe in the devil are already firmly in his grasp" Goethe.
Have I ever looked at a child with sexual desire? I look at choclate cake with what's a kin to sexual desire, I guess but.I leave the young to their appropriate age group.
I rejoice in their beauty and their hope.
Life is not an easy experience. People do not need to be burdened with having been abused.
I celebrate people I don't submit them to things that would hurt them.
Having sex with a child hurts them badly and for a lifetime..
Jim – (you do notice at long last, I address you as "Jim", and not Dan/Jim. I've long since seen the difference)
Goethe?- he only said that about Satan, because he didn't believe in him .well, that's one of the devils priorities : to make people think he doesn't exist! Then he's won!
You were very honest about the chocolate cake thing.we don't want to know about cheesecake, dunkin stix, or apple turnovers, though!
Jim – please see "cake comments" reply above somewhere.
As far as money to (re)build churches and cathedrals, that money comes from the faithful like me through capitol campaigns. As such, it is earmarked for that specific purpose and none other. For the Catholic Church to divert those funds to another purpose like cash settlements for victims would betray their fiduciary responsibility to donors. So if I give $20 of my hard earned money towards restoration of St. Robert's bell tower or whatever, that is my business and that is how St. Robert's is suppose to spend that $20.
People like my immigrant grandfather put their blood, sweat, tears, and backbreaking work into building those parish churches and cathedrals. There is nothing wrong with honoring their legacy especially when those men and women sacrificed for it.
Wow Julie, we found another catholic bragging about nothing. Give all you like to the Temples of Idolatry, but know that it is not the work of God the Creator.
"So when you give to the poor, don't sound the trumpet like the hypocrites do …" Matthew 6:2
You catholics sound the trumpet even when giving to the worthless things of the Church and not even to the needy. Try reading the Bible and learn how a true Christian gives. SILENTLY!
Who is Julie?
It is not bragging. It is making a point about finances and refuting a false idea earlier in this post. That is the only reason it was brought up.
Those "Temples of Idolatry" as you put it created a sacred space to teach illiterate people about their Bible with their statues and stained glass window. No idols? God instructed Moses to create a bronze serpent and put on a pole to heal the people when they looked at the serpent. Consider the ark of the covenant.
Thanks for blessing us with your prejudgments, criticisms, and persecutions. I will enjoy my reward in heaven. Matthew 5: 3-12.
Julie Andrews?
Another catholic who likes to boast about their wonderful giving.
do not worry, Dan is easily confused, and has a hard time staying on topic. He may decide to call you a different name, just because.
Also, whatever you do, please do not cite facts, history, truth and especially Scriptures. He can't stand it, and not knowing what to say in response, usually resolves to name calling.
Joanne, your Church taught "illiterate people" the catechism of the catholic church, having faith in the Church and not Christ, and the worship of saints, but especially the worship of your goddess, Mary. Your Church teaches the worship of the creature and their statues rather than the worship of the Creator. This pagan idolatry that the Church brought to the world did no cultures any favors, so it is nothing to be proud of and it hasn't led anyone to any "reward in heaven".
Sorry that my constructive "criticisms" lead you to believing it to be "persecutions", but nothing is further from the truth. I hate to see such a throng of lost souls so deceived by these false teachings. My hope is that you find this out before you stand before God in heaven. Read the New Testament and be careful of leaning on Old Testament teachings that Christ no longer followed or asked us to observe. No need for temples, statues, stained glass windows, greed or material teaching tools. Our hope is in Christ who saved us from our sinful lives and will bring us into the presence of the Father. He is the one and only mediator. PERIOD!
P.S. John 14:6 and Romans 1:18-32 "Lean not on your own understanding, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."
Dan – I looked back at older threads. I see who you are talking about. The lady you are driving bankrupt, as she is putting money in the basket, due to some of your actions.
Oh! So you're acting assinine again. You know damn well the Julie I was referring to, the other boasting catholic giver in this forum. Joanne, make sure you only "cite [false catholic] facts, [skewed catholic] history, [fake catholic] truth [lies] and especially [anti-Christ goddess worshiping] Scriptures. Then we can welcome you as another brainwashed puppet of our sexually immoral, greedy, idolatrous religion of deceivers and liars of our false faith. servant
And LLC, even the clown knew the Julie I was talking about. Doesn't make you look very intelligent now does it.
Clown, since you've just about accused me of everything else, now I'm guilty of driving poor catholic ladies "bankrupt", as if it's my fault she's into worthless giving. Man you Sons of Satan sure do follow in your fathers footsteps as the ultimate Accuser, Deceiver and Liar. PAX servant
P.S. I'm guessing your PAX is like Judas's kiss of peace. Well done!
How ironic Catholics are accused of virtue signaling! What's next? Matthew 7:5?
You should be careful using catholics and virtue in the same sentence.
Joanne, I totally agree with your quote, Matthew 7:5, and do my best to live by it. I wish your Church and especially it's hierarchy could take the same advice and stop blaming everyone else for your horrible sins, the Media, the victims, anti-catholics, the sixties, public schools, boy scouts, etc.etc.etc.. Practice what you preach catholics and stop your disgusting inexcusable sins against innocence. servant of the Lord
P.S. Stop excusing, denying and defending the sins of your Church. Their worst sin is their failure to follow Biblical Truth, which has led them into all kinds of sins. Stop the idolatry! Romans 1:18-32
Dan Corner, I learned a long time ago, that accusation is a form of confession. I find your comments very enlightening.
how true!
So what are you telling me, Julie and LLC, when you catholics accuse me you're actually making confessions? How about you and your Church making true confessions without falsely accusing those who expose the evils of your cult! servant of the Almighty God
No. What Julie is saying is that whenever you accuse the Church, in reality you are convicting yourself. And she is absolutely correct.
How does my accusing your Church and your teachings as being false convict me? That makes no sense. You and your Church are wrong and that convicts me? Actually it's the opposite and cements my convictions, because they are Biblically based and yours are absolutely not. PERIOD! So try to convince everyone that I don't know or follow Scripture, based on the fact that you've been taught falsehoods that you've accepted as Bible truths.
“How does my accusing your Church and your teachings as being false convict me? That makes no sense” = that is because you have not had your conversion on the way to Damascus, so to speak. Even Paul had to be thrown off his high horse in order to believe in Jesus.
You will, one way or another, in this life or the next. Hopefully it won’t be too late.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan.
HI-Is there anyone out there who knows any Catholic or non Catholic legal group that will take up Fr McRae's cause?
I"ve tried to get the St THomas More folks involved-havent heard a word-I'll write them again.
What about the Dept. of Justice?
National Center for Reason and Justice (NCRJ) has taken up Fr. MacRae’s case.
Dan, I find that everyone has their own idols. These are not made of stone or glass.
Many who spout anti-catholic insults do so based on what they think they know or hear. Out of pride, they do not admit failure to understand Catholic theology.
Joanne, I know one thing. Idolatry is against the Bible. You can come up with all the excuses in the world and it changes nothing. Catholics bow and pray to statues that depict their false goddess, saints, bishops, nuns and popes. Conjure up all the excuses you can for your idolatry and it changes absolutely nothing. Catholic teaching falsely has their sheep worshiping idols and they have taught you all the excuses to claim it's not idol-worship. For Mary, their Queen of Heaven, they say they adore, venerate and honor her, but don't ever call it idolatry or worship. Look those words up and they are all synonyms for worship. Don't let them fool you. "Deceiving others while being themselves deceived." I don't appreciate you saying my teaching is "spout[ing] anti-catholic insults". I know more about "catholic theology" than I would like to know. Most is not Biblical theology and that is where your problem lies. Excuse the pun, but lies and denials are most of what I hear from you catholics. servant
You are correct. Most Protestants and Evangelicals, like Dan, have no clear understanding of what Scriptures nor the Church teach. Interestingly, Dan feels entitled to insult and belittle Catholics, but he is extremely petulant when on the receiving side.
LLC, Why do you have such a problem with hearing the truth regarding the false teachings of your Church? If my telling the truth about the idolators, sexual immoral, greedy, liars, deceivers and excusers of the Church, why should you complain, crybaby? It's just the plain truth and that's not my fault if you wish to believe, promote and follow the deceptions of Satan. That's totally on you. When you lie and defend your filthy hierarchy, libel or slander me or call me names that I'm not (i.e. Dan Corner), then I'm going to have a problem with that. I, nor my God, have any respect for liars. Sorry about that.
Don't let anyone, LLC included, deceive or trick you. They do not have your best interests at heart. All they care about is filling seats and getting into your purse or pocketbook. The Church has no real love for God or you. That is why they promote their Queen of Heaven so strongly in their teachings, so you won't depend on the only mediator and path to the Father, Jesus Christ our Savior. There is NO other way to the Father! They are liars.
P.S. LLC, read my lips. I wish I knew less of your Church's false theology. In the end they and you will pay the price for all of their deceptions.
Joanne, the second paragraph is directed towards you and any other catholic interested in the truth.
Your posts display absolute ignorance when it comes to Scriptures and the Church actual teachings, despite your claiming the opposite. As for telling the truth, simply double-check your own posts. I never called you Dan Corner. I simply stated that you sounded like him, and dropped the argument. In reality, your arguments are closer to Dan Browns’, but I still call you simply by your own chosen name, or its Japanese version.
As for reading your lips: I can listen with my eyes, except that you keep grumbling incoherently.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan.
My fault, LLC, the sentence beginning, "When you lie and defend your filthy hierarchy…", was directed more towards all the accusations I've been fielding from all you catholics in general. Sorry, because I wasn't including you as guilty for the Dan Corner comments. As far as the Scriptures or the Church's actual teachings, how can I expect a deceived and brainwashed catholic to understand Biblical Truths. Impossible.
I'm not a Catholic or a follower of any organised religion but it seems obvious that Catholic priests are being targeted. I'm in Australia and over the past 45 years I have noticed several 'darlings' of the left admit to having sexual relations with underage partners with no comments on this permitted in the media. No correspondence is entered into and all attempts to follow up are met with silence. Quite obviously, something is going on.
Deano – yes there is something going on! Its called the BBS! Bolshevik broadcasting systems! the cultural Marxists own and control much of the media, so their favored get a pass!
Deano, Just because there may be clever evil " 'darlings' on the left" getting away with "sexual relations with underage partners", doesn't mean "that Catholic priests are being targeted" or unjustly picked on. Droves of priests and bishops have gotten away with hiding their evilness for years and it's finally being partially exposed as the Church legally fights to keep things secret. These issues must be brought out into the light if there is any possiblity of change or healing. As long as the Church continues to hide their evils in the darkness, there shall be no hope for the catholic church. This is a work of the Almighty to expose their ills and there will be no human power that will be able to stop it. If you're not a catholic then sadly you should consider becoming one, because you already bear their trait of making excuses for their nastiness. servant
"And this is the verdict. That Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does npt come into the Light for fear their deeds will be exposed…" John 3:19,20
“Just because there may be clever evil " 'darlings' on the left" getting away with "sexual relations with underage partners" = incorrect; there “are”, not there “may be”. And not only on the left.
“doesn't mean "that Catholic priests are being targeted" or unjustly picked on” = actually, by definition, it does. If two categories show the same issues, but only one is being called out, by definition the one called out is being unjustly targeted.
“Droves of priests and bishops have gotten away with hiding their evilness for years…” = define droves; by all available numbers, the percentage of guilty priests and bishops is low, albeit their absolute number may (this is the correct use of "may") seem high due to the overall large number of catholic priests and bishops in the world. Simple math and statistic.
“finally being partially exposed as the Church legally fights to keep things secret” = factually incorrect. It has been exposed by the same Church for quite sometimes, and the Church is the only institution that has enacted rigid procedures to stop these horrendous crimes.
“This is a work of the Almighty to expose their ills and there will be no human power that will be able to stop it” = correct; as Jesus promised, the gates of Hell won’t prevail against His Church. This also means that occasionally the Church must purify herself.
“If you're not a catholic then you should consider becoming one” = correct, again. Everyone must become Catholic, in order to join Jesus in His heavenly home.
Have a blessed day, brother Dan.
droves (def) – a large amount of people or probably more appropriately applied to your Church, a large flock of animals
You can't base your findings on "all available numbers" or "percentages" when 99% of the truth lies hidden through all of the secrecy and lies of the Church, the Vatican, bishops, priests and excusers and deniers like yourself. We will never know the extent of all the filth that lies hidden in the "skeleton rooms" of your cult. All done under the disguise of being the Holy and True Catholic Church. God must be so impressed with all the deceptions. servant
P.S. Glad you had no dispute with the Bible quote perfectly describing you and your Church.
Have a blessed day.
"the Church is the only institution that has inacted rigid proceedures to stop these horrendous crimes."
Glad you realize they are "horrendous". Should they have ever happened in the first place among so-called holy men of the cloth. They didn't possess any kind of conscience, that here I am supposedly serving the so-called holy mass and raising the host while privately bonking little boys?
And what good is "inact[ing] rigid procedures" if you don't follow them? Empty words from a soon to be empty Church of empty promises and liars. When is McCarrick going to be prosecuted by the proper authorities? Where's the transparency? When will the Church come out of the darkness and into the light? Ridgid procedures? Are you just ignorant or think we're all as ignorant as you?
thank you again for wasting so many words and saying nothing: "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something".
Since you did not have any pertinent or intelligent response, I bid you sayonara again, baka.
As usual, said something and you understand nothing. I remember you crying that I don't answer your questions. Funny how you never have a good answer for mine. What happened to, "Have a blessed day"? Baka.
Clown you are an idiot.