Show me the money!
The legacy media will never admit this, and the professional victims' groups will outright lie. But the facts are the facts.
Bogus abuse accusations against Catholic priests are now off the charts. Fraud being perpetrated against the Church is rampant. But don't take our word for it. Here are the undisputed numbers:
● In 2021, in a church of 70 million people in the United States, 44 current minors came forward alleging that a current priest had recently abused them. However, only four of these 44 were found to be "substantiated" by the very lenient standards of diocesan review boards, while the remaining 40 (or 91% (!)) were found to be completely bogus.
● According to the 2022 independent annual audit report, only 6% of all historical accusations against Catholic priests in 2022 were even deemed "substantiated," with the majority of accusations deemed either "unsubstantiated" (indeed false*), "unable to be proven," or still under review.
● In 2011, a former FBI investigator examining abuse claims against priests in Los Angeles attested in a Los Angeles County Superior Court filing that "ONE-HALF of the claims were either entirely false or so greatly exaggerated that the truth would not have supported a prosecutable claim for childhood sexual abuse." (Emphasis in the original document.)
● The Archdiocese of Boston – arguably the most publicly transparent diocese with regards to accused priests – has published the names of 60 priests who have been determined guilty of abuse by either canonical or civil proceedings. Yet it has also concluded that 38 priests have been falsely accused. In other words, nearly 40 percent (38.8%) of priests in Boston are determined innocent after a complete investigation. Let that sink in.
And then there's the money

Yes, it's the money
That the Church regularly pays out on specious and even goofy claims should not surprise any longtime reader of this site. We reported a while back how the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, a small diocese in Louisiana, openly admitted that even though "there has not been a case that we deemed to be true," it had still paid at least one claim alleging abuse decades earlier.
Simply put: Fraudsters, flimflammers, and mental cases now score big cash settlements by making claims of past abuse. And the more the Church pays out on these bogus claims, the more claims it gets. This is not complicated, but simple human nature and motivation. There is no downside to filing suit, which you get to do anonymously. So why not give it a try?
Indeed, there was once the shocking story of two robbers who walked into a sacristy in Illinois after Mass and demanded money from a priest with the ominous threat, "We'll say you touched us, read the paper, they'll believe us."
And then there was the story of an imprisoned man actually recorded on phone calls scheming to rip off the Church with a bogus abuse claim with a friend who had already done so. (An East-coast attorney once wrote that prisoners falsely accusing priests for money was a "current and popular scam." And he wrote this in 2001, some 23 years ago!)
And not to be forgotten: the horror show in Philadelphia, where multiple priests were falsely accused and a completely innocent priest died in prison. (Note to writers in the Catholic media: If you don't know what transpired in Philly years ago, please take the time to learn about it.)
A time to step up
The persecution of the Church is not always violent, as it has often been in history. Sometimes it is economic, as it is here in the West. Fueled by media hysteria and hatred, plaintiffs are still continuing to come out of the woodwork to file phony claims to cash in on the big dollars being offered to them.
It is high time for defenders of truth and justice to call out this ongoing extortion racket for what it is and finally push back. Or even more fraud will simply follow.
* Important note: Some readers are unclear on what is meant by "unsubstantiated" allegations in the annual audit reports of Church abuse. Well, straight from the reports themselves (emphasis added): "'Unsubstantiated' describes an allegation for which an investigation is complete and the allegation has been deemed not credible/false based upon the evidence gathered through the investigation."
In other words, "unsubstantiated" claims are indeed bogus claims.
[See also: "Five Fast Facts About the Media's Catholic Church Sex Abuse Story"]
[See also: The Greatest Fraud Never Told: False Accusations, Phony Grand Jury Reports, and the Assault on the Catholic Church (Amazon.com)]
These revised numbers are much more in line with what general statistics have consistently shown throughout the years, i.e. these awful, horrendous crimes are endemic in all areas of society (after all, we are all fallen creatures), and the real differentiator is the different level of media scrutiny that the Catholic Church has received in recent years. If we factor in the higher degree of caution that many Parishes are adopting in dealing with the allegations, we can conclude that in general the percentage of true molesters is lower within the Catholic Church than among the general public. And yet the media is still ignoring this simple fact, insisting in their crusade against the Church.
Having said that, one true molester is one too many, especially after so many years of good prevention. We need to stay vigilant and avoid falling into the trap of “we are doing well enough, look at anyone else”. Thanks, TMR, for reporting these facts – please keep up the good work!
Jesus said the world would hate them. Martyrs, rejoice and be glad,your reward is great in heaven. . This is stomach churning. Thank you for truth in news.
The $$$$$ paid out by the Catholic Church result from settlements with the alledged victims, NOT from guilt proven in a court of law. Why? Because theChurch does not want access to records afforded by the civil law discovery process to become public, the dirty laundry exposed and the resulting negative publiciity. Priests are thrown under the bus, removed from ministry, go undefended from bogus allegations. All to "protect" the Church from embarrassment, at a montrous cost. Insurance companies would rather settle than dispute allegations at high cost with the clear possibility of paying very high judgements awarded by juries pre-conditioned to believe that "abuse victims do not lie." Over $100 million was paid out by the Archdiocese of Boston to settle claims, money raised by selling church property at fire sale prices, property much of which was bought/built with the donations of the faithful.
And in doing so, has the heirachy upheld its moral credibility?