In a gross April 4, 2011, column, Boston Globe columnist James Carroll sought to blame Christians for the "roots of anti-Muslim bigotry" in the world. Yes, he did, indeed. Thankfully, C.J. Doyle, who spearheads the Catholic … [Read more...]
Better Business Bureau (BBB) Slams SNAP [w/ UPDATE]
In a scathing assessment of how SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused By Priests) operates, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) determined that SNAP fails to meet a full one half of BBB's 20 standards of Charity Accountability. In … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Piles On Ireland Abuse Narrative – Again
Since November 2010, the Boston Globe, through a large number of front-page and other high-profile articles, has made sure that you know that Boston Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley has visited Ireland to address the decades-old abuse cases … [Read more...]
Is the Fix In Against the Church in Philadelphia?
Are the priests charged with sexual abuse in Philadelphia going to get an honest trial? There are several compelling reasons to think they might not. 1. There should be serious concern about the impartiality of the presiding judge, Common … [Read more...]
Google Tags Popular Priest as ‘Pedophile’
Despite the fact that accusations against popular Catholic preacher Father John Corapi have nothing to do with children, Google has tagged news about the cleric into its "Pedophile" category. Searching for the latest news about … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Singles Out Catholic Church – Again
In the past three weeks, the Boston Globe has published not one, but two, articles about the release from prison of a soon-to-be-laicized Jesuit priest, Fr. James F. Talbot. (One article was by the frenetic Joan Vennochi.) The bottom line: … [Read more...]
Unfair in Philadelphia? A Closer Look at the 2011 Philadelphia Grand Jury Report
While we must never cease demanding compassion and justice for all victims of clergy abuse, there is strong evidence to believe that the recent high-profile Philadelphia grand jury report has unfairly maligned the Catholic Church. No media … [Read more...]
SNAP’s Casteix Misleads Public on Vatican Letters
Joelle Casteix, the snippy "Southwest Director" of SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests), was interviewed during the 4pm hour of the February 24, 2011, episode of the John & Ken Show on KFI 640 AM radio in Los … [Read more...]
Media Quiet to Case of Non-Citizen Convicted Child Molester Who Was High School Principal
On Saturday (2/19/11), the Los Angeles Times published an article, "Ex-high school principal gets 8 years for molesting four girls." The case involved Jonas Vital Silverio, who had pleaded no contest to 10 counts of lewd acts on a … [Read more...]