(HT: Phil Lawler/CatholicCulture.org) Major news outlets delivered a collective message about the Catholic Church this week. Here were the headlines: "Pope orders sex abuse summit" (Boston Globe) "Pope to Hold Sex-Abuse … [Read more...]
With Pope in Spain, AP’s Winfield Trumpets Gay ‘Kiss-in,’ Misrepresents Catholic Church
The Associated Press' Nicole Winfield is at it again with erroneous and slanted reporting of the Catholic Church. In an article about Pope Benedict XVI's dedication of a basilica in Spain this weekend (Sun. 11/7/10), Winfield … [Read more...]
Not the Catholic Church? Major Newspapers Blind to Massive Sex Abuse in Kenya
In the past eight days, ABC News has filed two shocking stories about "a serious epidemic" of sexual abuse and rape of children in Kenya. Not only did the network report that "over 1,000 teachers have been fired for sexually … [Read more...]
Boston Globe’s Bible Lesson Fails Miserably
For a Christian who reads the Bible, there are few things more frustrating than picking up a newspaper or magazine and reading an interview from some bleary-eyed college professor who seeks to overthrow 2,000 years of traditional Christian … [Read more...]
Time Continues to Trumpet Pretend ‘Women Catholic Priests’
This Halloween, millions of Americans will dress up in costumes and pretend to be celebrities or other important figures. Most journalists won't take serious note of this. Yet recently a few women have slipped into some vestments and … [Read more...]
Dishonest or Clueless?: Time Claims ‘Ordained’ Women ‘Priests’ in Catholic Church
It's not that hard to understand. The ordination of women in the Catholic Church is not going to happen. It. Will. Not. Happen. Yet according to a truly warped article by Dawn Reiss in Time magazine (9/25/10), it's already … [Read more...]
Clueless on Catholicism: NBC’s Today Says Pope ‘Inflexible’ About Women Ordination
It can't be any clearer: The ordination of women in the Catholic Church is not going to happen. Ever. It. Will. Not. Happen. This is not a case of Pope Benedict XVI being "inflexible," as NBC's Today show erroneously … [Read more...]
Coverage of Pope UK Trip by AP’s Winfield May Be Sinful
Mainstream media outlets continue to frustrate serious Catholics with reporting that is far too often erroneous, misleading, and agenda-driven. Such is the case with an article published by Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press, who is … [Read more...]
UK Writer Slams Media For Gross Misreporting of Catholic Abuse Scandals
"Did Catholic priests really rape 10,000 children [in the United States] over the past 50 years, as respectable media outlets claim? No, they didn't," writes Brendan O'Neill of England's spiked online magazine. … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Throws Fairness, Perspective Out the Window
For my book, Double Standard: Abuse Scandals and the Attack on the Catholic Church, I interviewed Joe Maher, co-founder and president of Opus Bono Sacerdotii ("Work for the Good of the Priesthood"). Mr. Maher passed on a quote to … [Read more...]