John Manly Lies Again, This Time on HDNet

Appearing on an episode of Dan Rather Reports on television network HDNet (episode number: 522; title: "Spiritually Bankrupt"; debut: June 29, 2010), attorney John Manly once again exposed his utter disregard for facts. This time, … [Read more...]

James Carroll Exploits Holocaust, Lies Again About Catholic Church

Leave it to the web site The Daily Beast to publish a lie-filled attack on the Catholic Church the day before Christmas. The author of the hate-filled piece is James Carroll, one of the country's foremost haters of the Catholic Church. … [Read more...]

National Catholic Reporter’s Tom Roberts Opposes Bible, Jesus, and Church

Good ... grief. Shouldn't a writer for a self-professed Catholic newspaper actually know a few things about Catholicism? Tom Roberts' November 9 post for the liberal National Catholic Reporter is so rife with errors, falsehoods, … [Read more...]

In Boston Globe, Harvard Prof. Equates Conservative Christians and Murderous Muslims

In a bleary-eyed opinion article in the Sunday Boston Globe (11/8/09), Harvard divinity professor Harvey Cox denounces religious "fundamentalism." In doing so, he places mass-murdering Muslims from the Middle East on the same … [Read more...]

NY Times Dowd’s Anti-Catholic Piece is Riddled With Errors, Deceptions

The New York Times's Maureen Dowd spent some time in Catholic school as a youth, but judging from her latest rant/column, she didn't learn too much about actual Catholicism. Dowd's anti-Catholic screed reveals that of someone … [Read more...]

Clueless on Catholicism VII: LAT Still Airs Falsehoods About Catholic Faith

In a recent news article (Fri. 10/23/09) and a pea-brained editorial (Sat. 10/24/09) regarding Anglicans joining the Catholic Church, the Los Angeles Times again displays its utter ignorance of the Catholic faith. The Times' editorial … [Read more...]

Awful: LA Times Uses Obituary Page To Gloat About Catholic Church Misdeeds

The Los Angeles Times has joyfully discovered a way to keep the clergy misdeeds of the Catholic Church forever in the minds of its readers and the public: the obituary page. Take a look at the obituary of former bishop G. Patrick Ziemann. … [Read more...]

Disparate Coverage in NYT: Kevin Jennings vs. Catholic Priest

(HT: Catholic League.) Consider the following two stories. Pay attention. There will be a quiz. 1. The Obama administration has appointed Kevin Jennings as a "czar" inside the Department of Education. In addition to being the … [Read more...]

Not a Catholic Priest? Boston Globe Pretty Quiet on Child Rapist Polanski

When it comes to the awful abuse of children, it sure seems like the Boston Globe doesn't get too worked up unless the words Cardinal, bishop, or priest is in someone's job title. Over seven years ago, beginning on January 6, 2002, … [Read more...]

More Wild Tales From John Manly; Manly Can’t Make Up His Mind

Attorney John Manly was at it again during a September 21, 2009, interview on the John & Ken Show on KFI 640 AM. 1. Manly accused Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony of "[giving] the wrong name of [a] victim to the police." The … [Read more...]