As Christmas Day approached, a host of cable television outlets were not afraid to take to the airwaves with "specials" that challenge conventional Christianity. Episodes from CNN, the History Channel, and National Geographic … [Read more...]
In This Case, Headline In LA Times Unfair To Cardinal Mahony
Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony certainly deserves his rightful share of criticism and rebuke for his handling of the church abuse scandal. However, a front-page headline in today's Los Angeles Times (Saturday, December 2, 2006) … [Read more...]
Why Is the MSM Ignoring This Priest Scandal? Could It Be …?
The story: A priest works at a Miami high school as a history teacher and assistant chaplain. Nude photographs of him interacting physically with other men are discovered on the Internet. The priest resigns from his job. Graphic Internet … [Read more...]
Clueless on Catholicism (III): Errors, Poor Information Mar LA Times Op-Ed
A November 6, 2006, Los Angeles Times op-ed by someone named Peter C. Boulay blares the title, "Will Catholicism OK Condoms?" Because of errors in fact and misleading information, the article appears to be just another cheap slap … [Read more...]
A Response to Margaret Sykes and the ‘Brain Waves’ Issue
Welcome, Stand to Reason readers! Here is my response to the Margaret Sykes/"brain waves" issue. There's a lot to this one, but here it goes: 1. WHO IS MARGARET SYKES? This is not an ad hominem towards Ms. Sykes. I also … [Read more...]
LA Times Goes To Texas And Alaska For Church Abuse Scandals
Is the Los Angeles Times "piling on" when it comes to covering sex abuse by Christians? Have they misled their readers again? In the front section of today's Los Angeles Times (Tuesday, September 5, 2006) is an article, … [Read more...]
Reader Nails LA Times Columnist for ‘Ignorance,’ ‘Naiveté,’ and ‘Anti-Catholicism’
Last week, in this NewsBusters post, we took issue with the anti-Catholicism in an August 5, 2006, column from Los Angeles Times media critic Tim Rutten. In an especially ugly and vitriolic piece, Rutten capitalized on the arrest of Mel … [Read more...]
Los Angeles Times Gives Forum to Anti-Catholic Zealot
Today's Los Angeles Times (Wed. May 31, 2006) features a nasty anti-Catholic op-ed by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen. Goldhagen is an author of several works that have brutally attacked the Catholic Church, including a 2002 New Republic piece … [Read more...]
LA Times’ Rutten: ‘Da Vinci Code’ Is ‘Only a Movie,’ But Gibson’s ‘Passion’ Was ‘Combustible’
The headline to today's Los Angeles Times' "Regarding Media" column (Sat. May 20, 2006), penned by the perpetually clueless Tim Rutten, is "Media should stop and say, 'It's only a movie'." The movie … [Read more...]
KABC’s Doug McIntyre: L.A.’s Cardinal Mahony a ‘Scumbag’, ‘Molester’
Add me to the list of Los Angeles-area Catholics who are not pleased about the decision of Cardinal Roger M. Mahony to instruct priests to defy a proposed federal law designed to target illegal immigration. (The law needs to be passed by … [Read more...]