Nancy Soderberg, a former Ambassador to the United Nations and Foreign Policy Advisor under the Clinton administration, repeated the often-heard myth that President Clinton prevented Millennium attacks on the United States. Soderberg made … [Read more...]
O’Reilly Guest Falsely Claimed President Clinton Prevented Millennium Attacks On U.S.
ABC’s Bogus ‘Pope Joan’ Story Also Hocked Feminist ‘Rule of Thumb’ Myth
The bogus story of "Pope Joan" was not the only fiction that ABC and Diane Sawyer tried to hustle on the American public in last night's Primetime (Thursday December 29, 2005). In trying to convey the environment of … [Read more...]
ABC Pushes Anti-Catholic ‘Pope Joan’ Tale
Check out the promotional ad for this Thursday evening's (December 29, 2005) episode of ABC's Primetime. The promo is for the story, "On the Trail of Pope Joan" (audiotape on file; emphasis mine): "Diane Sawyer … [Read more...]
Media Matters, Others in ‘Revisionism’ Pitch of Michael Steele Oreo Episode
Media Matters and the blog Daily Kos are among two liberal mouthpieces who look to be on a slippery campaign to rewrite one of the more ugly episodes in recent memory for Democrats. It appears they are trying revise the history that Oreo … [Read more...]
Really Bad Theology from Michael McGough
In an incredibly frustrating piece, "What the Bible really says about gays" (July 18, 2005, Los Angeles Times), columnist Michael McGough treads the line of journalistic integrity when he … [Read more...]
Liberal ‘Catholic’ Smears the Church on Slavery
In an April 21, 2005, column in the Los Angeles Times, entitled "A Catholic Call For Dissent," Catholic gadfly Charles Curran bemoans the appointment of the conservative Cardinal Ratzinger as the next Pope (Benedict XVI). In doing … [Read more...]
Los Angeles Times Launching 2008 Obama Campaign??
Are we witnessing a budding love affair between the Los Angeles Times and freshman Democratic Senator Barack Obama? Cue up a Barbra Streisand love song! Today's edition (Wednesday January 5, 2005) features no less than three photos of … [Read more...]
Hollywood Axes Abortion Horror from Alfie Remake
Alfie (1965) is the movie that gave British actor Michael Caine one of his first starring roles. As the title character, Caine plays Alfie, a free-wheeling, promiscuous bachelor in 1960's London. He carelessly roams from one of his many … [Read more...]