Sloppy Clergy Abuse Report From France Stirs Up Bigots in Public Radio

Anne Barrett Doyle : PRI The World PRX : Marco Werman

A recently released, poorly sourced report out of France alleging abuse by priests committed many decades ago has predictably created the usual media circus of unhinged accusations and hysterical claims by haters of the Church. And among … [Read more...]

Did Somebody Get to Somebody? New Criminal Charges Against McCarrick to Pump Value of Accuser’s Crazy Civil Suits

James Grein : Mitchell Garabedian

In August 2019, when the state of New York opened a "window" to suspend the statute of limitations and allow anyone to sue others for sexual abuse no matter how long ago, one of the very first to jump on the gravy train was … [Read more...]

Iowa Atty General Report Confirms the Obvious: Sex Abuse In Church Is Ancient History

Catholic clergy sex abuse history

An exhaustive report (pdf) from Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller examining alleged Catholic sex abuse dating back to the 1930s has confirmed what clearheaded folks have long known: Catholic sex abuse is a thing of the past – even if … [Read more...]

Another Wave of Falsely Accused Priests Returned to Ministry

Fr. Michael Pfleger : Fr. Larry Sullivan : Fr. Joseph Bradley : Fr. Patrick Sullivan

In the past several weeks, a number of falsely accused priests were finally returned to ministry despite the extremely liberal and nebulous standards used by diocesan review boards of whether the allegations against them were deemed merely … [Read more...]

Shocker: Veteran Sex Abuse Investigator Reports Archdiocese Paid Out Settlements on Bogus Abuse Claims

Catholic Church shakedown

In a new bombshell article by Matt C. Abbott at RenewAmerica, a veteran private investigator/child abuse advocate confirms what many of us have known for a long while now: The Catholic Church has paid out cash settlements on countless bogus … [Read more...]

Useful Idiot Alert: Dissident America Magazine Grateful to Anti-Catholic Bigots at The Boston Globe

Eileen Markey : Lehman College

In January of 2002, as its 'Spotlight Team' carpet-bombing campaign against the Catholic Church reached a fever pitch, the Boston Globe published a splashy front-page article claiming that when a concerned woman wrote to Cardinal … [Read more...]

Toontown City: Church Militant Peddles Another Nutty Conspiracy Theory

Church Militant : Rev. Joe Moreno : Buffalo

And you thought they couldn't get any crazier. In what it calls a special "Spotlight" report, Church Militant is now promoting a conspiracy theory that the tragic 2012 suicide of Buffalo priest Rev. Joseph Moreno was not a … [Read more...]

Over The Top: WSJ Editorial Exposes Massive Fraud in Abuse Claims Against Boy Scouts

Looting the Catholic Church

The abuse industrial complex has found a new target it would seem. After grabbing nearly $4 billion from the Catholic Church over the last three decades, contingency lawyers are now looking to score big bucks from the Boy Scouts in its … [Read more...]

It Was Never About Abuse: Famed Boston Globe Abuse Reporter Rezendes Finally Comes Clean

Mike Rezendes : Associated Press

We have said it many times: It is not about what it claims to be about. Simply put, the media's single-minded obsession over abuse in the Church from decades ago has almost nothing to do with abuse and everything to do with the … [Read more...]

Falsely Accused But Forever Defamed: BishopAccountability Site Still Trumpets Innocent Priests As Guilty

Bishop Robert Guglielmone and Fr William Dinga Jr : falsely accused

There have been times when a person making a phony allegation against a priest hears the voice of his conscience and retracts his claim. That recently happened when a man fully recanted a decades-old abuse allegation against Fr. William … [Read more...]