**The media, sex abuse, and Hollywood:
Is abuse only evil if committed
by a Catholic priest?**
*SPECIAL REPORT* Media Hypocrisy in Tinseltown: Child Abuse No Big Deal When Committed by the Rich and Famous

To be sure, even the mere accusation of sexual abuse committed by a priest is enough to irreparably shatter the livelihood of the priest. No matter how flimsy or how long ago the accusation, a priest is presumed guilty and his reputation is … [Read more...]
Experts Declare Pedophilia ‘Rampant Today’ in Hollywood, Yet the Usual Media Suspects Go Mute

According to an eye-opening audio tape exclusively obtained by RadarOnline.com, Hollywood star Corey Feldman told police in 1993 the names of two industry insiders who sexually abused him as a teen in the 1980s, at the height of his film … [Read more...]
Hollywood Awards Accused Child Abuser and Elmo Actor With Three Emmys; Media Sees No Problem

How do the cultural elites in Hollywood deal with a successful actor after he has been accused by at least four different men of child sex abuse? Not screaming headlines, of course. Instead, it rewards him with three Emmy Awards.
Kevin … [Read more...]
Not the Catholic Church? NY Times Ignores Shocking Hollywood Pedophilia Charges
Recent reports suggest that the Hollywood community has a monstrous child abuse problem on its hands, and the New York Times is remaining silent.
Yet when it comes to decades-old allegations against long-deceased Catholic clerics overseas, … [Read more...]
Celeb’s Hollywood Pedophilia Stunner Met With Media Whimper
Appearing in an interview on ABC's "Primetime Nightline" last week (Thu., 8/10/11), Hollywood actor Corey Feldman aired a truly brave and shocking claim:
"I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is … [Read more...]