In August 2019, when the state of New York opened a "window" to suspend the statute of limitations and allow anyone to sue others for sexual abuse no matter how long ago, one of the very first to jump on the gravy train was … [Read more...]
Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Facts at TheMediaReport.com
Catholic Church Priest Sex Abuse Facts and Statistics
In August 2019, when the state of New York opened a "window" to suspend the statute of limitations and allow anyone to sue others for sexual abuse no matter how long ago, one of the very first to jump on the gravy train was … [Read more...]
Last year, this site was excoriated after we dared to raise questions about decades-old abuse accusations made by Virginia resident James Grein against ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Well, we feel even more confident in our beliefs now … [Read more...]
Contrary to what some readers may believe, we at TheMediaReport.com generally believe most accusations against priests until we see reason to question them. And in the case of the accuser of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – who has now … [Read more...]
In yet another example of how hysteria and overstatement has overtaken logic and reason in the reporting of the Catholic sex abuse story line, when news surfaced that former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick would be now living out his last years … [Read more...]
The high-profile allegations that the prominent Cardinal Theodore McCarrick sexually abused seminarians and teenagers decades ago are indeed revolting and maddening. Our hearts ache for the unimaginable suffering that anyone may have … [Read more...]
Catholic Priests Falsely Accused:
The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories
by David F. Pierre, Jr.
"This is an important topic, and not just for priests and bishops! Everyone should be concerned about this. Please check out Catholic Priests Falsely Accused: The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories."
– Rev. John T. Zuhlsdorf ("Fr. Z"), "What Does The Prayer Really Say?", wdtprs.com
"Mr. Pierre's book is an eye opener! Meticulously researched and clearly written ... a must-read."
– Rev. Kenneth Gumbert, O.P., M.F.A., Providence College
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