Rev. Andrew Syring recently announced that he was forced to sue the Archdiocese of Omaha after he was fully cleared by both church and civil authorities of any wrongdoing yet was still removed from ministry and placed on a publicized list … [Read more...]
Falsely Accused and Alone: Priest Forced to Sue Own Archdiocese to Clear His Name
Sleazy Buffalo TV Reporter Charlie Specht Misleads His Viewers Again
WKBW-TV reporter Charlie Specht in Buffalo has an impressive resume when it comes to dodgy "journalism" and calumny against the Catholic Church. We have already reported how Specht has previously: defamed an innocent … [Read more...]
Always a Good Time For a Church Bashing: NY’s Cuomo Extends Time To File Lawsuits Against Church
Civil lawsuits always carry statutes of limitations. After a certain time has passed, you can't bring a lawsuit anymore, as it becomes impossible for the defendant to defend himself. It's just not fair. But when it comes to the … [Read more...]
*Hypocrisy Alert* Celebrity Abusers Celebrated While Accused Catholic Priests Shunned For Life
Thanks to the media, even a mere accusation of sexual abuse committed by a priest long ago will irreparably shatter the livelihood of that priest. No matter how flimsy or how long ago the accusation, a priest is always presumed guilty in … [Read more...]
Two More Priests Cleared of Phony Accusations
Good News Alert! The Diocese of Springfield (Massachusetts) has now returned Rev. Thomas Lisowski to active ministry after he was ripped from his parish last November amidst a claim of "inappropriate behavior involving a vulnerable … [Read more...]
Media Goes Mum As Another Falsely Accused Priest Is Cleared and Yet Another Fraud Exposed
In September of 2018, local media in Milwaukee went crazy when prosecutors dramatically announced felony sexual assault charges against Fr. Charles Hanel. A 13 year-old girl came forward to claim that the priest had "groped" her … [Read more...]
*SPECIAL REPORT* Scandal at WKBW-TV In Buffalo: Contingency Lawyer Buys Airtime, and His Client Gets the Kid-Glove Treatment by Station
In January of this year, Buffalo TV reporter Charlie Specht – who has waged a misinformation campaign against the Diocese of Buffalo for the last two years – reported on two accused Buffalo priests who had been exonerated and … [Read more...]
Cardinal Pell Is Finally Freed: The Story Behind the Story
As most of you have already heard by now, Australia's Cardinal George Pell has finally been freed from prison and exonerated by Australia's Supreme Court. However, as a site that has been long following the issue of falsely accused … [Read more...]
At Last! Falsely Accused Priests Fully Reinstated To Priesthood
In a world which is currently in short supply of good news, we are happy to report that two falsely accused priests have now been finally reinstated to the priesthood after being fully cleared by both civil and Church authorities. The … [Read more...]
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: ProPublica Attacks Church For Being Transparent
Fact: The Catholic Church is the only institution on the planet where if you are an employee merely accused of wrongdoing from decades ago, your name may end up on a diocesan web site somewhere for the entire world to see as if you were a … [Read more...]