SHOCKER: Chicago Public Schools Received *Three* Sexual Misconduct Complaints *Every School Day* This Year

School sex abuse

If it involved Catholic priests, the international news media would be in a state of acute apoplexy for months or even years penning one breathless story after another about the imminent end of the Catholic Church. But these are not … [Read more...]

Rhode Island AG Wants to Change Law So He Can Attack the Catholic Church at a Press Conference

Peter Neronha : Rhode Island Attorney General

It is now one year ago that attorneys general from across the country looked on with envy as Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro released a phony "grand jury report" and thereafter garnered a wave of flattering … [Read more...]

Revisionist History Debunked: Yes, Cardinal Bernardin’s Accuser *DID* Recant His Allegation of Abuse [w/ VIDEO]

Michael Voris : Cardinal Bernardin : Richard Sipe

There has been an unfortunate attempt in some sectors of the Catholic media to rewrite an important episode in the Catholic Church sex abuse story. It is a clear historical fact that on March 1, 1994, Steven Cook, a man who months earlier … [Read more...]

Coincidence? McCarrick Accuser Now Claims That the Late Cardinal Bernardin Assaulted Him, Too!

Cardinal McCarrick : James Grein : Cardinal Bernardin

Last year, this site was excoriated after we dared to raise questions about decades-old abuse accusations made by Virginia resident James Grein against ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Well, we feel even more confident in our beliefs now … [Read more...]

Greedy Jeff Anderson Holds Press Conference To Lie About Diocese’s Handling of Abuse Case

Jeff Anderson : lawyer

Has the notorious lawyer Jeff Anderson now reached a new low of corruption in his jihad against the Catholic Church? At a recent press conference, James Bottlinger, age 50, stood with Anderson in front of a flock of cameras and reporters … [Read more...]

**SPECIAL REPORT** Church Militant’s Phony Attack on Cardinal Wuerl

Michael Voris : Church Militant

Last summer, on Thursday, August 30, 2018, Church Militant, operated by the histrionic Michael Voris, flooded the email inboxes of its followers with the breathless announcement that it was airing a "Breaking News Exclusive: Wuerl … [Read more...]

Bungled Investigation: Diocese of Arlington Demonstrates How *Not* To Handle Abuse Allegations

Rev. Ronald Escalante

Last November, the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, called law enforcement after it received a complaint of "potential inappropriate contact" against one of its popular parish priests, Rev. Ronald Escalante of St. Francis de Sales … [Read more...]

Michigan Dreamin’: State AG Phonies Up Story to Gain Headlines

Dana Nessel : Michigan Attorney General : anti-Catholic

The way Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, the media, and even many "Catholic" outlets would have you believe, law enforcement rounded up five Catholic priests last week and dragged them out of their rectories in handcuffs for … [Read more...]

The Greatest Show On Earth: Jeff Anderson Sues the Vatican (Again)

Jeff Anderson Minnesota lawyer

Suing the Catholic Church ain't what it used to be. The press conferences are not as abundant as they once were, and it takes more and more now to get the media's attention. So what is a publicity-hungry lawyer supposed to do to … [Read more...]

Just the Facts, Ma’am: False Accusations Against Catholic Priests Are Now At Epic Proportions

Shakedown of the Catholic Church

The media will never tell you this, and the professional victims' groups will outright lie. But facts are facts. Bogus abuse accusations against Catholic priests are rampant. The fraud being perpetrated against the Church is now off … [Read more...]