Falsely Accused Priest Finally Reinstated In Chicago After Long Witch Hunt

Rev. Gary Graf : falsely accused priest

Chicago priest Rev. Gary Graf is finally back on the job after being reinstated by Cardinal Blase Cupich. Church officials ripped Graf from ministry last August after a 17-year-old boy claimed that he received a phone call from a church … [Read more...]

In France, Falsely Accused Priest Fights Back Against His Accusers and Wins

Jeanne Marie Obein and Jean Louis Martin : Rev. Francois Jerome Leroy

In March 2018, Marie-Jeanne Martin, 74, and Jean Louis Martin, 70, penned a letter to their local prosecutor in northeast France with purported "testimony" that their two grandchildren and others had been victims of criminal … [Read more...]

The Witch Hunt Against Australia’s Cardinal George Pell: Five Facts You Need To Know

Cardinal George Pell

Yes, the cases against Australia's Cardinal George Pell are nothing less than a wild-eyed anti-Catholic witch hunt by the Australian government against the Catholic Church. Take it to the bank. What is our evidence? Plenty. Here are … [Read more...]

Braving the Cold and Heavy Rain, Bronx Parishioners March In Support of Bishop Jenik As Evidence Mounts of False Accusation

Bishop John Jenik : false accusation

Nearly 300 parishioners from Our Lady of Refuge Church in Bronx, New York, did not let nasty weather deter them from marching in support of accused Bishop John Jenik last Friday. And as the spirited defense of Bishop Jenik grows, more … [Read more...]

**EXCLUSIVE REPORT** Bishop Jenik’s Accuser: Serious Questions Now Arise About His Credibility

Michael J Meenan : Bishop Jenik accuser

Last week, the New York Times reported that a man came forward in January this year to claim that Bishop John Jenik, an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of New York, repeatedly abused him as a teenager for several years in the … [Read more...]

Falsely Accused Priest Fights Back – And Wins! Jury Orders False Accuser to Pay Damages [w/UPDATE: Juror Praises Rev. Graham For 'Bravery', Criticizes Media, Says 'No Proof' That Abuse Occurred]

Rev. William C. Graham : Duluth, MN

Kudos to Rev. William C. Graham, a priest of the Diocese of Duluth in Minnesota. After being falsely accused by a client of the law firm of the notorious Jeff Anderson that he committed "sexual misconduct" decades ago in the … [Read more...]

If You Are Accused of Abuse, Are You Automatically Guilty? Pope Francis and An Important Story to Remember

Pope Francis : false accusation : Spain

In what has now become another eruption of outright media hysteria, let us pause for just a moment to revisit a very instructional episode from a few years back involving Pope Francis and some accused priests in Spain. It was a front page … [Read more...]

**MORE PA JURY REPORT ANALYSIS** This Abuse Accusation Against a Priest Is So Completely Ridiculous, See For Yourself

Say what

We recently wrote how Monsignor Thomas Benestad was falsely accused in the Pennsylvania grand jury report of repeatedly forcing sex acts on a boy decades ago and then "washing [the boy's] mouth out with holy water." Well, … [Read more...]

It’s About Time! Disgraced Group SNAP Finally Apologizes to Falsely Accused Priest Whom It Smeared

Rev. Xiu Hui Joseph Jiang

The lawyer-funded hate group SNAP has issued a formal apology to St. Louis priest Rev. Xiu Hui "Joseph" Jiang, whom it had falsely accused of abusing children and maliciously branded a "pedophile." The apology was … [Read more...]

The ‘Secret’ Is Finally Out: False Abuse Accusations Rampant Against Chicago Ex-Priest McCormack

Daniel McCormack Chicago priest

It has long been a poorly kept secret in the neighborhoods near St. Agatha Catholic Church and within the offices at the Archdiocese of Chicago that most, if not nearly all, of the abuse accusations lodged against ex-priest Daniel McCormack … [Read more...]