In a stunning article that bravely veers from the media's usual, tired coverage of the Catholic Church abuse story, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dorothy Rabinowitz has taken up the case of Fr. Gordon J. MacRae, who has been serving … [Read more...]
Journalism Outside the Box: Wall St. Journal Bravely Profiles Stunning Case of Wrongfully Convicted Priest Fr. Gordon MacRae
Shocker: Even National Catholic Reporter Now Admits That Philadelphia Accuser’s Varying Claims of Abuse Were ‘Utterly Different Versions of Reality’
The claims of sex abuse made by Philadelphia accuser Dan Gallagher that led to the convictions of two Catholic priests and a school teacher are so wildly outlandish and inconsistent that even one of the most staunch critics of the Church, … [Read more...]
Philadelphia Postscript: Media Needs To Examine Shocking Convictions of Philadelphia Catholic Priest and Former Teacher
"I do believe that a Roman collar has become a bull's-eye, that the presumption of guilt has become overwhelming in our society ... "[I] believe that there is child abuse undoubtedly, and it's an insidious and tragic … [Read more...]
Draining the Swamp: Jailed Bank Robber Who Falsely Accused FOUR Catholic Priests of Abuse Also Sued Hollywood Stars For Stealing His Idea For ‘Skank Robbers’ Flick
Some stories you just can't make up. If there were still any doubt about the circus-like frenzy the media has created about Catholic priests and sex abuse, consider the following case of an imprisoned crank claiming that he too was a … [Read more...]
UK Paper’s Investigative Blockbuster: Prominent Victims’ Lawyer Scoured Prisons For Clients, Resulting in Scores of Bogus Claims
A new blockbuster investigation by the British newspaper Daily Mail has uncovered what it calls "a benchmark for a modern culture of 'witch-hunt' persecutions." The paper conducted a "wide-ranging" inquiry into … [Read more...]
‘My Worst Nightmare’: Falsely Accused Priest Bemoans Slow Church Response
A number of Irish media outlets have previously relayed the ordeal of Rev. Oliver Brennan, a priest who was falsely accused of sex abuse dating back some thirty years earlier. However, as the Irish Catholic newspaper now reports, while … [Read more...]
‘The Darkest Two Years of My Life’: Popular Priest Describes Long Torment of False Abuse Accusation
Very few priests speak publicly about their horrifying ordeals of being falsely accused of child sex abuse, but Rev. Eugene Boland is doing so after a jury in Derry, Ireland, unanimously found him not guilty in June of the flimsy claim that … [Read more...]
Philly Inquirer Rebroadcasts Wholly Discredited Claim of Abuse Against Bishop
Witnesses have now come forward to thoroughly discredit a specious claim that Wheeling, West Virginia, Bishop Michael J. Bransfield committed abuse decades ago, yet one would hardly know this from reading the Philadelphia Inquirer, which … [Read more...]