Resignations Filed at Damaged Irish TV Network That Defamed Catholic Priest

Falsely Accused Priest Rev. Kevin Reynolds

Nearly a year after Irish television network RTÉ defamed an innocent Catholic priest, employees connected to the incident have resigned. The resignations are on the heels of a major television scandal that erupted in Ireland last … [Read more...]

*EXCLUSIVE REPORT* Alarming New Evidence May Exonerate Imprisoned Priest

Rev. Gordon J. MacRae 2011

Rev. Gordon J. MacRae, sentenced to 33½ to 67 years, has been in the New Hampshire State Prison For Men since 1994 on abuse charges. Newly released signed statements in a recent court motion contend that the primary … [Read more...]

Falsely Accused Priest: ‘My Life Has Been Ruined’

Rev. James Selvaraj

Six years after the ridiculous accusation that he “touched [a] child in a public setting,” Father James Selvaraj is still fighting to clear his name. Fr. Selvaraj told Erin Duffy of The Times (Trenton, New Jersey) … [Read more...]

Boston Globe Keeps Anti-Catholic Reputation Thriving

Imagine if a newspaper disproportionately and endlessly harped upon decades-old crimes committed by black people. Even if the stories were all true, people would be rightfully outraged at the paper’s overt racism in consistently and … [Read more...]

Falsely Accused Priest Awarded ‘Substantial’ Settlement

After Irish television network RTÉ falsely claimed that Rev. Kevin Reynolds had impregnated a teenage girl and fathered a child in Kenya in the early 1980's, a High Court settlement has arranged that the reckless network will pay … [Read more...]

Irish TV Network Defames Innocent Priest, Issues Apology

Last May, RTÉ, the national television network of Ireland, aired a high-profile, prime-time special entitled, "A Mission to Prey." It was a show designed to lambaste the Catholic Church for sex abuse scandals. The show … [Read more...]

Pittsburgh Bishop Falsely Accused: ‘This Collar is Not a Bull’s-Eye’

After a man accused Pittsburgh Bishop David A. Zubik of molesting him over two decades ago, the prelate immediately took to the airwaves yesterday (Wed., 10/5/11) to declare his innocence. Addressing a flock of cameras and reporters, … [Read more...]

SNAP Misleads Public On False Accusations – Again

Imagine the mayor of a major city announcing to the public, "Crime is low!" But in doing so, the mayor cites statistics that are over seven years old. That would be dishonest, would it not? Of course it would. Well, the advocacy … [Read more...]

No Fairness For Innocent Priests at

The high-profile web site has long extolled a policy that it will not publicly post the names and cases of priests in which the accusers have recanted their claims. However, the organization continues to do this … [Read more...]

Shame on SNAP: Even After Priest Is Exonerated, Group Attacks Falsely Accused Cleric

Earlier this month (8/8/11), a Hawaii jury deliberated just minutes to declare that Fr. Bohdan Borowec, a Ukrainian Catholic priest visiting on vacation from Canada, was entirely innocent on charges of kidnapping and sexual … [Read more...]