Nearly a year after Irish television network RTÉ defamed an innocent Catholic priest, employees connected to the incident have resigned. The resignations are on the heels of a major television scandal that erupted in Ireland last … [Read more...]
*EXCLUSIVE REPORT* Alarming New Evidence May Exonerate Imprisoned Priest
Rev. Gordon J. MacRae, sentenced to 33½ to 67 years, has been in the New Hampshire State Prison For Men since 1994 on abuse charges. Newly released signed statements in a recent court motion contend that the primary … [Read more...]
Falsely Accused Priest: ‘My Life Has Been Ruined’
Six years after the ridiculous accusation that he “touched [a] child in a public setting,” Father James Selvaraj is still fighting to clear his name. Fr. Selvaraj told Erin Duffy of The Times (Trenton, New Jersey) … [Read more...]
Boston Globe Keeps Anti-Catholic Reputation Thriving
Imagine if a newspaper disproportionately and endlessly harped upon decades-old crimes committed by black people. Even if the stories were all true, people would be rightfully outraged at the paper’s overt racism in consistently and … [Read more...]
Falsely Accused Priest Awarded ‘Substantial’ Settlement
After Irish television network RTÉ falsely claimed that Rev. Kevin Reynolds had impregnated a teenage girl and fathered a child in Kenya in the early 1980's, a High Court settlement has arranged that the reckless network will pay … [Read more...]
Irish TV Network Defames Innocent Priest, Issues Apology
Last May, RTÉ, the national television network of Ireland, aired a high-profile, prime-time special entitled, "A Mission to Prey." It was a show designed to lambaste the Catholic Church for sex abuse scandals. The show … [Read more...]
Pittsburgh Bishop Falsely Accused: ‘This Collar is Not a Bull’s-Eye’
After a man accused Pittsburgh Bishop David A. Zubik of molesting him over two decades ago, the prelate immediately took to the airwaves yesterday (Wed., 10/5/11) to declare his innocence. Addressing a flock of cameras and reporters, … [Read more...]
No Fairness For Innocent Priests at
The high-profile web site has long extolled a policy that it will not publicly post the names and cases of priests in which the accusers have recanted their claims. However, the organization continues to do this … [Read more...]
Shame on SNAP: Even After Priest Is Exonerated, Group Attacks Falsely Accused Cleric
Earlier this month (8/8/11), a Hawaii jury deliberated just minutes to declare that Fr. Bohdan Borowec, a Ukrainian Catholic priest visiting on vacation from Canada, was entirely innocent on charges of kidnapping and sexual … [Read more...]