Shame on SNAP: Even After Priest Is Exonerated, Group Attacks Falsely Accused Cleric

Earlier this month (8/8/11), a Hawaii jury deliberated just minutes to declare that Fr. Bohdan Borowec, a Ukrainian Catholic priest visiting on vacation from Canada, was entirely innocent on charges of kidnapping and sexual … [Read more...]

Dead Priests Accused of Abuse: Is This Justice? and Other Questions

Here are two recent news articles: 1. "Abuse victim wants to help others," by Kim Norvell, St. Joseph News-Press (6/24/11) 2. "Ex-priest at El Paso's Sacred Heart Catholic Church accused of molestation," by Diana … [Read more...]

SPECIAL REPORT: Philadelphia: Who is the Accuser of Fr. James Brennan?

A disturbing trend in the media coverage of the Philadelphia clergy cases is that many journalists have already assigned certain guilt to the individuals who are facing trial. Journalists' lack of scrutiny of the actual charges against … [Read more...]

Boston Globe Shocker: In Moving Tribute to Falsely Accused Priest, Columnist Slams Church-Suing Lawyer

Kudos to Boston Globe columnist Brian McGrory for composing a truly moving and remarkable tribute to a falsely accused priest, Fr. Charles Murphy, who served several years at St. Francis Xavier Parish in South Weymouth (MA). A wonderful … [Read more...]

Philadelphia Catholic Clergy Abuse Trial Update

There have been a few notable developments in recent weeks in the Philadelphia clergy abuse cases. 1. The two current priests (Fr. Charles Engelhardt and Fr. James Brennan), former priest (Edward Avery), and former Catholic school teacher … [Read more...]

Boston Globe Profiles Falsely Accused Priest – In Order To Hammer Church

Rev. Edward C. McDonagh of St. Ann Church in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, has endured what far too many priests have had to face. Fr. McDonagh has been the victim of a vicious false accusation of child abuse against him. In 2002, … [Read more...]

Unfair in Philadelphia? A Closer Look at the 2011 Philadelphia Grand Jury Report

While we must never cease demanding compassion and justice for all victims of clergy abuse, there is strong evidence to believe that the recent high-profile Philadelphia grand jury report has unfairly maligned the Catholic Church. No media … [Read more...]

SNAP Misleads Public Regarding False Accusations, Refuses to Acknowledge Massive Fraud

SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests) has again promoted a misleading, nine-year-old citation from the New York Times to assert that false accusations against Catholic priests are rare. In truth, SNAP's stale reference, … [Read more...]

Los Angeles Attorney Declares Rampant Fraud, Many Abuse Claims Against Catholic Priests are ‘Entirely False’

In a stunning ten-page declaration (pdf)* recently submitted to the Los Angeles County Superior Court, veteran attorney Donald H. Steier stated that his investigations into claims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests have uncovered vast … [Read more...]

Boston Globe Throws Fairness, Perspective Out the Window

For my book, Double Standard: Abuse Scandals and the Attack on the Catholic Church, I interviewed Joe Maher, co-founder and president of Opus Bono Sacerdotii ("Work for the Good of the Priesthood"). Mr. Maher passed on a quote to … [Read more...]