Kudos to Msgr. Joseph P. Kelly of the Diocese of Scranton (Pennsylvania) for fighting back! After the Diocese of Scranton created a "Survivors Fund" to dole out free cash to anyone who says they were abused by a priest, no matter … [Read more...]
Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Facts at TheMediaReport.com
Catholic Church Priest Sex Abuse Facts and Statistics
Kudos to Msgr. Joseph P. Kelly of the Diocese of Scranton (Pennsylvania) for fighting back! After the Diocese of Scranton created a "Survivors Fund" to dole out free cash to anyone who says they were abused by a priest, no matter … [Read more...]
Civil lawsuits always carry statutes of limitations. After a certain time has passed, you can't bring a lawsuit anymore, as it becomes impossible for the defendant to defend himself. It's just not fair. But when it comes to the … [Read more...]
In September of 2018, local media in Milwaukee went crazy when prosecutors dramatically announced felony sexual assault charges against Fr. Charles Hanel. A 13 year-old girl came forward to claim that the priest had "groped" her … [Read more...]
As most of you have already heard by now, Australia's Cardinal George Pell has finally been freed from prison and exonerated by Australia's Supreme Court. However, as a site that has been long following the issue of falsely accused … [Read more...]
In a world which is currently in short supply of good news, we are happy to report that two falsely accused priests have now been finally reinstated to the priesthood after being fully cleared by both civil and Church authorities. The … [Read more...]
There are some abuse accusations against priests that are so crazy that they give pause to even the most ardent Church hater, and we just found yet another one. Rev. Roy T. Herberger of the Diocese of Buffalo just filed a lawsuit against a … [Read more...]
If one needs any more proof that suing the Catholic Church is now seen by many people as an easy, no-risk way to snag a nice bundle of cash, look no further than this latest fraud out of South Carolina. A man now accusing Diocese of … [Read more...]
The media will never tell you this, and the professional victims' groups will outright lie. But facts are facts. Bogus abuse accusations against Catholic priests are rampant. The fraud being perpetrated against the Church is now off … [Read more...]
In a stunning lawsuit filed just last month in Philadelphia federal court, an accused boarding school teacher accuses the notorious Church-suing tort lawyer Mitchell Garabedian, who was profiled in the 2015 anti-Catholic film Spotlight, of … [Read more...]
Chicago priest Rev. Gary Graf is finally back on the job after being reinstated by Cardinal Blase Cupich. Church officials ripped Graf from ministry last August after a 17-year-old boy claimed that he received a phone call from a church … [Read more...]
Catholic Priests Falsely Accused:
The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories
by David F. Pierre, Jr.
"This is an important topic, and not just for priests and bishops! Everyone should be concerned about this. Please check out Catholic Priests Falsely Accused: The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories."
– Rev. John T. Zuhlsdorf ("Fr. Z"), "What Does The Prayer Really Say?", wdtprs.com
"Mr. Pierre's book is an eye opener! Meticulously researched and clearly written ... a must-read."
– Rev. Kenneth Gumbert, O.P., M.F.A., Providence College
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