For the past several years, a regular tactic of the anti-Catholic group SNAP has been to angrily accost and hassle prayerful Catholics as they attend Mass on Sunday. While protesting various aspects of the Church's handling of the … [Read more...]
Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Facts at TheMediaReport.com
Catholic Church Priest Sex Abuse Facts and Statistics
For the past several years, a regular tactic of the anti-Catholic group SNAP has been to angrily accost and hassle prayerful Catholics as they attend Mass on Sunday. While protesting various aspects of the Church's handling of the … [Read more...]
It seems that the mission of bludgeoning the Catholic Church for abuse episodes from a half century ago is not as thriving as it used to be. Few major media outlets have overplayed and exaggerated the abuse narrative more than the … [Read more...]
At the annual conference of SNAP last July in Chicago, one individual whom the group proudly celebrated was Philadelphia Assistant D.A. Mark Cipolletti, a leading prosecutor in the current clergy abuse trial. It is no surprise that the … [Read more...]
We frequently address how the anti-Catholic group SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) deceives the public in its presentations, and now we have another short and simple example. On Monday, SNAP National Director David … [Read more...]
The measures are unprecedented: "Abuse panels" in nearly every diocese ... the training of millions of children and adults (including 99 percent of all priests) to recognize signs of abuse ... intensified screening of seminarians … [Read more...]
Last Tuesday, a Missouri judge was minutes away from deciding if David Clohessy, the National Director of the anti-Catholic group SNAP, would be held criminally in contempt of court for failing to produce documents for an important civil … [Read more...]
Is the anti-Catholic group SNAP running out of Catholic clerics to target and resorting to attacking innocent men? It sure seems like it. Even though an abuse accusation against Wheeling, West Virginia, Bishop Michael J. Bransfield was … [Read more...]
Since David Clohessy, the National Director of SNAP, has repeatedly flaunted judges' orders to produce documents related to an important Missouri abuse case, lawyers for an accused Catholic priest have requested that the Circuit Court … [Read more...]
If there is one "bright spot" in the outcome of the Bishop Finn trial, it is that innocent victims and their families were spared the excruciating ordeal of having to appear in public court and having to identify how they were … [Read more...]
If there were still any doubt about the anti-Catholic agenda of the advocacy group SNAP, an angry tirade by Rev. Barry Lynn at the group's annual conference in Chicago last month should erase any such doubt. Lynn built upon a similar … [Read more...]
Catholic Priests Falsely Accused:
The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories
by David F. Pierre, Jr.
"This is an important topic, and not just for priests and bishops! Everyone should be concerned about this. Please check out Catholic Priests Falsely Accused: The Facts, The Fraud, The Stories."
– Rev. John T. Zuhlsdorf ("Fr. Z"), "What Does The Prayer Really Say?", wdtprs.com
"Mr. Pierre's book is an eye opener! Meticulously researched and clearly written ... a must-read."
– Rev. Kenneth Gumbert, O.P., M.F.A., Providence College
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